From Susan’s Desk
December 30, 2021
It’s that time of year again; time to make a New Year’s resolution. The most common resolutions include:
1. Lose weight
2. Get fit
3. Save more/make more money
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of us successfully achieve our New Year’s Resolution. I’d like to suggest a resolution that is achievable, and will affect your outlook on everything else in your life: Take Care of Your Mental Health.
It sounds so simple and obvious, yet we struggle mightily. Research tells us that:

The Surgeon General recently warned of a mental health crisis among teens as the pandemic has intensified mental health issues. We all have experienced collective trauma as a result of the pandemic, to varying degrees.
Josselyn is committed to breaking down barriers to accessing mental health care. Just pick up the phone and call 847-441-5600 x 1 or complete this brief form to get started.
Other ways to improve your mental health include:
It’s so easy to get busy and forget our mental health, yet its just as important as physical health and is essential to our overall well-being. Here’s to a mentally healthy 2022 and to Mental health for all!