- Participant Details – Open to adolescents aged 12-15, who are current active clients utilizing individual therapy services at Josselyn.
- Date & Time – Meets Wednesdays in-person, November 13 – December 18, 5 – 6 pm
- Framework – Group will begin with a check-in where members describe their current emotional state, share something interesting that happened to them that week, and reflect on the previous week’s online usage. Group leaders will then facilitate a group discussion on a topic prepared ahead of time or will choose a topic that is common among the members’ check-in reflections. Members will define personal goals for the following week, between sessions, with help from the group facilitators. Some examples might include closer monitoring of online/ technology usage, setting certain limits, etc. Members will check out, updating their current emotional status using an emotional wheel, naming something they gained in the session, and something they’re looking forward to in the next week.
- Facilitator – Lindsey Faloona & Brian Hides
To learn more about this group, please speak with your Josselyn therapist.